Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Help! I have a problem! I want to decorate my locker, but I have no idea how!! I was thinking I would do a theme, but is that too tacky? Maybe I'll just buy some cute magnets and a locker mirror and call it good. Maybe throw on a few pictures?
Today, I saw the actual size of the lockers. They're long, but teeny in the width department!! How am I gonna fit all my books in there?! And then, I found out that these lockers are 50 years old, and don't open to well!! What if, on my first day, I can't even get the stupid thing open?! And then, what if I am late every day because I can't get my things out?!! That would be so humiliating!!
I went to the school today to register for this school year. I'm taking AP English, AP Math, Life Science, and Geography as my core classes. Then, for my electives, I'm taking year round Choir, and 3 twelve week classes; Art, P.E., and Spanish. I figured that would help me be well rounded.
So, are you decorating you're locker? Do you have any good ideas? What classes are you guys taking?? Anyway, your answers could really help me here!! Love ya!!


  1. Ok...get ready...here is my advice:

    magnetic everything.

    you can make really cute magnets to hold stuff, you can make magnetic frames to hold pictures of your friends/family etc up. you can even get fabric or some cool vinyl or something and wrap it around a piece of cardboard cut to the size of your locker door interior, then use magnetic tape on the back to stick it up. You can do tons of fun things with magnet tape. :)

    also, you should get a caddy or container that you could hang (again with magnetic tape) that you can put lip gloss/hair stuff/etc in.

    Oh...and you could put up a tiny white board (again with magnetic tape) or a mirror. You can actually write on a mirror with dry erase markers.

    Once for Young Womens, we bought these foam letters at the craft store, and puffy paint and everyone painted their letters (like you would do an "M" for Mikah)then we put magnetic tape on the back of them. They made cute locker decorations. (you can see them here)

  2. Thank you so much Aunt Julie!! I'm totally going to use those ideas for my locker!! Love you!! <3

  3. My theme is green. Everything is green like my mirror, and my dry erase board. And so is my pencil cup.
