Saturday, March 27, 2010

Poker Face

I found out a couple of days ago that I don't have a good poker face. Go figure. I'm the worst liar unless I lie to my parents. What a talent. Yipee.
I found out how to tell if my friend is lying or not! She gets this over-innocent look in her eyes, and her voice has a tint of sarcasam and over exxageration in it! Its so funny! When I told her that she had that innocent look in her eyes when she tried to convince me that their was a spider in my closet, she denied it. Once again she got that look in her eyes! I laughed to myself all night thinking about it!
We were doing these fake/cheesy commercials for this cd that we got in 4th grade about drug prevention called 'Mind Over Matter'. It was so funny! Raven's name was Dortha, and mine was Linny. I don't know what made us decide on those names....

but eventually we did! We have so much fun together! Then Raven had to go because I had to babysit. Shes on vacation right now, so our fun is postponed until further notice.
To be continued... :)


  1. I'm not a very good liar either, but my mom and dad may say that that IS a talent. :)

  2. I guess it could be a talent....
