Friday, March 19, 2010

Summer Job. Hmmm...

I was thinking about a summer job... I think a lot! Anyways... I was wondering if any of 'yall have any suggestions for this wonderful, angel child posting this right now?
I was thinking about painting little girls' nails or just babysitting.

What do you think? When you think of something
really good, please post it in the comment box
below. Thanks!


  1. Just so you know, I had to do this under my parents account... so that,(below) is not my profile!!!!!!! I promise you that I do not have 5 children! :)

  2. If I were you, for a summer job i would just stick with babysitting because it would make you a lot more money!

  3. Are you sure you don't have five children??

  4. Last time I checked, I don't have five children! I think I will stick with babysitting... but I'm still open to really good suggestions!
